Despite what people may think, Tennessee actually has 12 seasons:
Fool’s Spring
Second Winter
Spring of Deception – YOU ARE HERE.
Third Winter
The Pollen
Actual Spring
Hell’s Front Porch
False Fall
Second Summer
Actual Fall
The Spring of Deception is the warm days after a long and cold winter that make you start thinking you should sew some seed in your front lawn and start working on putting your winter clothes in the attic. DON’T BE FULLED! While Spring may be in the air, we’re not there yet. There will still be some frosts that come in and ruin those early gardens and plants you were so excited to put out.
According to the Almanac, the last frost date of 2021 will be April 12th.
“A frost date is the average date of the last light freeze in spring or the first light freeze in fall. The classification of freeze temperatures is based on their effect on plants:
Light freeze: 29° to 32°F (1.7° to 0°C)—tender plants are killed.
Moderate freeze: 25° to 28°F (3.9° to -2.2°C)—widely destructive to most vegetation.
Severe freeze: 24°F (-4.4°C) and colder—heavy damage to most garden plants.”
It is important to note that while frosts can be estimated, they are definite. We recommend always keeping an eye on your local forecast. This will ensure you stay ahead of the frost and can start working on your lawn or garden sooner rather than later.
Some things you could go ahead and start doing that won’t be effected by the next frost are: pre-emergent herbicides and pre-emergent weed and feed fertilizer. This will stop the growth of weeds while encouraging the growth of grass. Spring
Ready to start prepping your yard but want the professionals only a call away? Call us today at 865-804-9988 or Contact Us here.